
Hello, you made it to Arne Müller’s Sociological Expertise Lab (AMSEL).
I am a sociologist and qualitative researcher specialising in Disability Studies and Mental Health Studies. If you’re interested in my career, browse this site and check out if my content might be of help to you.

Panel 1

* About *

I graduated as a sociologist in 2005 and completed my PhD in 2016. I gained extensive international research expertise through multiple stations of my career, e.g. as a research fellow at the University of Cologne/Germany, as a research assistant at the University of New England/Australia, as a research associate at the University of Sydney/Australia or as a research associate at Manchester Metropolitan University.

Before I became a researcher, I worked as a personal assistant for people with disabilities for more than eight years. As such, I later also chaired my company’s work council. My work as a disability support person triggered my interest in disability research and since 2007 I worked in multiple academic settings but always connected to the field of disability research.

For additional information please refer to the testimonial page.

Panel 2


If you’re keen to read any of my publications, don’t hesitate to contact me to enquire about an author’s copy.

Journal articles:

Riches, Vivienne/ O'Brien, Patricia/ Manokara, Vimallan/ Mueller, Arne. (2022). A study of caregiver support services: Perspectives of family caregivers of persons with intellectual disabilities in Singapore. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities. doi: 10.1111/jppi.12441
Thoresen, SH./ O’Brien, P./ O’Donovan, MA./ Walter, B./ Mueller, A./ Westermann, G./ Whittle, E./ Buchanan, A. (2022). Accommodating adults with intellectual disabilities and high support needs in Individual Supported Living arrangements, AHURI Final Report No. 380, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited, Melbourne, https://www.ahuri.edu.au/research/finalreports/380, doi: 10.18408/ahuri8124101
Wark, Stuart/ Hussain, Rafat/ Müller, Arne/ Parmenter, Trevor. (2022). Maintaining quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities during end-of-life in rural areas of Australia. In: Research and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, doi:10.1080/23297018.2022.2057232
Hussain, Rafat/ Wark, Stuart/ Müller, Arne/ Ryan, Peta/ Parmenter, Trevor. (2019). Personal Relationships During End-of-Life Care: Support Staff Views of Issues for Individuals with Intellectual Disability. In: Research in Developmental Disabilities. Vol. 87, Issue April 2019, pp 21–30. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2019.01.005
Wark, Stuart/ McKay, Kathy/ Ryan, Peta/ Müller, Arne. (2018). Suicide amongst people with intellectual disability: An Australian online study of disability support staff experiences and perceptions. In:  Journal of Intellectual Disability Research Vol. 62, Issue 1, pp 1–9. doi: 10.1111/jir12442
Wark, Stuart/ Hussain, Rafat/ Müller, Arne/ Ryan, Peta/ Parmenter, Trevor. (2017). Challenges in providing end-of-life care for people with intellectual disability: Health services access. In: Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities Vol. 30, Issue 1, pp 1151–1159. doi: 10.1111/jar.12408
Wark, Stuart/ MacPhail, Catherine/ McKay, Kathy/ Müller, Arne. (2016). Informed consent in a vulnerable population group: supporting individuals aging with intellectual disability to participate in developing their own health and support programs. In: Australian Health Review Vol. 41, Issue 4 (2017),  pp 436–442. doi:10.1071/AH15235

Book chapters:

Müller, Arne. (2017). Crip Horizons, the Cultural Model of Disability, and Bourdieu's Political Sociology. In: Waldschmidt, Anne/ Berressem, Hanjo/ Ingwersen, Moritz (Hrsg.). Culture – Theory – Disability. Encounters between Disability Studies and Cultural Studies. Bielefeld (transcript). pp 259–264.
Müller, Arne. (2015). Dis/Ability und Prekarität. Inklusion durch Arbeit? Eine Problematisierung des Leistungsprinzips. In: Völker, Susanne/ Amacker, Michèle (Hrsg.) Prekarisierungen – Arbeit, Sorge, Politik. Weinheim & Basel (Beltz Juventa). pp 111–127.


Waldschmidt, Anne/ Müller, Arne. (2013). Diskriminierung von behinderten und chronisch kranken Menschen. Literatur zum Thema "Barrierefreie Dienstleistungen – Benachteiligungen von behinderten Menschen beim Zugang zu Dienstleistungen privater Unternehmen". Herausgegeben von der Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes (ADS).


Wark, Stuart/ Müller, Arne/ Hussain, Rafat/ Parmenter, Trevor. (2016). Pain management during end-of-life care: Support for individuals with intellectual disabilities. In: Journal of Intellectual Disability Research Vol. 60, Issue 7, p 820.
Panel 3


Please find some of the testimonials, my former supervisors provided me with on this site.

“In terms of analysis, reporting and writing of reports, Arne is very skilled in a range of analytical methods and produces reports that show clear, appropriate and accessible information. Arne writes very well to publication standard.” Prof Dr Patrica O’Brien

University of Sydney

“Arne[.]’s way of working is characterized by extreme professional analytical skills, impressive meticulousness and huge reliability. Due to his broad sociological skills, his extraordinary capacity of reflexion and his sophisticated skills in argumentation and communication he completed all duties I assigned him with my utter satisfaction.” Prof Dr Anne Waldschmidt

University of Cologne

Panel 4 Placeholder