Finally, Dr.!

Today is a special day. For some reason. After almost two more years of waiting, I just received a WhatsApp-message from my father to which he attached ….. drumroll ….. my PhD certificate.
The reasons why it took so long are multiple. First, I had to publish my PhD research and I had to send according specimen copies to the University’s library. Well, I did this already in August. And waited since then. Every single evening when I got back form work, I was excited and couldn’t wait to check my mailbox. But nothing that looked like a PhD certificate was inside. After getting a bit uncomfortable, I contacted the University three weeks ago, but they did not reply to any of my messages. Eventually after sending another email cc to the chair of the PhD board, I got informed on Tuesday that the certificate will not be send out by snail mail to the UK because apparently you cannot send trackable and insured letters from Germany to the UK. Well, although that’s not true, I agreed to get the letter send to my parents address in Germany instead. And it arrived today. And I am finally a “Dr. phil” 😉